Because decision-makers need up-to-date and reliable financial information to pilot the development of their business, Advolis collaborators keep their focus on optimizing and securing your data and support you in your decision-making process.

It all starts with the implementation or adaptation of a simple, reliable, adapted and collaborative IT solution; this secure solution must be able to easily evolve with your needs.

We work with companies of all sizes and in all sectors, which allows us to build teams with collaborators adapted to each need, always supervised by a chartered accountant who is a true pro-active help in your choices and your reflections. Our assistance aims to challenge and validate the relevance of your organizational, strategic, investment and financing choices.

Our expertise and our commitments enable us to offer you:

  • the production of clear and optimized annual social and consolidated accounts,
  • reporting adapted to your needs allowing you to make the right decisions,
  • tax and regulatory security.

We support you in all key stages of the life of your business, relying on Advolis Orfis experts:

  • creation or takeover: project analysis, feasibility study, financial evaluation, support in negotiations, business plan/forecast, aid files, financing, legal structuring, choice of social and tax regime,
  • external growth: financial, social and tax due diligence, negotiation with the transferee, financing, integration assistance,
  • restructuring: prevention through the development of cash flow forecasts, support for the turnaround or as part of the collective procedure,
  • transmission: asset organization, financial assessment, support in negotiations.

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Advolis Orfis processes your personal data in order to respond to your information request. To know more about how we handle your data and your rights, please read our Privacy policy.

We provide you with the knowhow or the expertise you need to allow you to focus on your core business and gain agility.

Working closely with you, we put in place solutions tailored to your needs that meet your objectives.

You rely on us for some or all of your accounting and finance functions to:

  • optimize the organization and performance of your accounting and finance department,
  • comply with accounting and tax obligations,
  • benefit from flexible and scalable solutions,
  • develop best practices and improve processes (accounting, internal control, fraud, etc.),
  • handle surges in activity,
  • optimize costs.

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Advolis Orfis processes your personal data in order to respond to your information request. To know more about how we handle your data and your rights, please read our Privacy policy.

Ensure robust management of your tax affairs in a complex environment with constantly shifting legislation.

Our services include:

  1. Advice from tax experts for the optimal management of your tax issues:
    • anticipate how operational changes in your business will impact your taxes,
    • expand your business in France and abroad with control over your taxation,
    • anticipate and manage tax audits.
  2. Reliable audit trail:
    • assistance with internal audits of invoicing systems in the context of increasingly far-reaching VAT inspections,
    • ensure methodical VAT repayments,
    • preparation of documentation.
  3. VAT represents 50% of all taxes collected. It is therefore an important issue for both your business and the tax authorities:
    • assistance with setting up effective organizational structure in France and abroad,
    • advice on practical implementation of VAT in France and abroad,
    • review of compliance with reporting rules and obligatory declarations.
  4. International development generates new issues:
    • Which is the best structure for my business?
    • Which VAT regime is the most appropriate?
    • How to apply transfer pricing within the group?
    • As members of the global association Allinial Global, we provide assistance around the world.
  5. Training: regular updates about constantly changing tax rules to protect yourself against tax audits.  As an accredited training entity, we offer customized training to your employees:
    • training teams on VAT issues,
    • checking and optimizing your company’s tax result,
    • optimising the configuration of your ERP,
    • sharing up-to-date knowledge.
  6. Estate planning: A key and complex subject for entrepreneurs. We advise you on:
    • estate planning,
    • reducing your tax burden,
    • wealth transfer planning,
    • preparing for retirement,
    • calculating your wealth tax liability,
    • calculating your personal income tax liability.

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Advolis Orfis processes your personal data in order to respond to your information request. To know more about how we handle your data and your rights, please read our Privacy policy.

Human ressources are an essential part of the strategy for any business. Our role is to help you gain effective control over:

  1. Payroll:
    • a constantly updated knowledge of statutory and legislative changes is essential to protect the business executives from litigation. We have the experts and the tools required to offer a managed payroll service, either through a completely outsourced process or through the use of our dedicated software configurable to your needs.
  2. Social issues. We are experts in the field:
    • The different stages of the employment contract: drafting the contract (analysing recruitment costs, subsidies, regulations, and obligations), performing the associated administrative formalities and procedures, and in some cases terminating the employment contract following a mutually agreed termination or a dismissal for misconduct or for economic reasons, etc.
    • Representative bodies: assistance interacting with representative bodies including elections, creation, meeting reports, etc., whether it be to motivate employees or to solve conflicts.
  3. HR advisory:
    • We draft the necessary documents and follow up on on-going procedures with the aim of best managing the relationship with the authorities, the employees, and the worker representatives. We can also help you develop the tools needed for your business.
    • Outsourcing of administrative tasks:
      • managing the visits with occupational health services,
      • managing sick leave,
      • setting up software to manage paid annual leave: scheduling, processing applications, and responses.
    • Human Resources Management:
      • material for annual and professional appraisals,
      • preparation of risk assessment documents,
      • organization and management of working hours,
      • setting up of a customized and computerized data base for economic and social data,
      • assessment of the business’s social climate,
      • analysis of HR signage requirements,
      • optimizing remuneration for employees and executives, impact of the social status on remuneration, and social protection for executives,
      • career review to optimize retirement benefits.
  4. Audits of social issues, payroll, social risks, etc.
    • We tailor our audits to the size of your business and to your needs. We identify risks, make recommendations, and help you to apply them. We analyse existing and past issues in order to assess social risks and propose methods for improvement or harmonisation. These audits are conducted in different contexts:
      • compliance with labour laws and payroll regulations,
      • audit following an acquisition or a reorganization of the workforce,
      • preparation for audits for the authorities and proposing amicable settlements,
      • training of your executives and HR teams on legal issues.

For more information, please see our specialized website:


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Advolis Orfis processes your personal data in order to respond to your information request. To know more about how we handle your data and your rights, please read our Privacy policy.

Your industry is undergoing a profound digital transformation and adapting to this new challenging environment is an absolute priority for your business to survive.

In a highly risky context, thanks to you expertise dealing with numbers and the new technologies, we have the capacity to assist you with your digital transformation. Our pertinent and practical solutions include:

  • infrastructure & managed services (infrastructure, security, work environment, administration and support solutions),
  • business software solutions (audit and analysis of needs, consulting and support for drafting specifications, installation, configuration, training and technical support),
  • consulting and support for dematerialization, integration of accounting software, and specific developments.

We add value by offering you tailor-made and practical solutions which draw upon our expertise in all the aspects of the digital transformation.

For more information, please see our specialized website: 

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Advolis Orfis processes your personal data in order to respond to your information request. To know more about how we handle your data and your rights, please read our Privacy policy.

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