In a world affected by climate change, the depletion of resources, the increasingly demanding expectations of stakeholders and the intensification of regulatory requirements, the implementation of an ESG strategy becomes a necessity as well as a source of value creation and resilience for your organization.

Our experts help you affirm your ESG strategy and make it relevant thanks to relevant and reliable information. They assist you throughout the implementation of your ESG and Sustainable Development policies:

  • creation of ESG and Sustainable Development policies: mapping of stakeholders, mapping of ESG and Sustainable Development issues, assessment of the maturity of the policies in place, development of action plans and reporting to be implemented
  • monitoring of the regulatory environment, sector analysis and training of your teams on sustainability matters
  • assistance in bringing your organization into compliance with non-financial regulations and securing published information: carbon footprint, dual materiality, CSRD, Green Taxonomy, etc
  • preparation and review of your ESG reporting, whether voluntary, regulatorily or for external stakeholders (rating agencies, review of ESG labels, etc.)

Our approach is pragmatic and adapted to your challenges and constraints. We are also able to verify the consistency between your financial and non-financial information.

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The comparability of economic actors on environmental, social and societal matters is becoming essential. The European Commission intends to raise sustainability reporting (CSRD) to the same level as financial reporting.

From January 1, 2024 (publication expected in 2025), the CSRD will be applicable to all listed companies currently falling within the scope of the NFRD (public interest companies “PIE” with more than 500 employees). Then, from January 1, 2025 (publication expected in 2026), this will impact listed and unlisted companies exceeding two of the following three thresholds: turnover greater than €40 million; total balance sheet greater than €20 million; average workforce of more than 250 people.

Our experts support you during the different stages of the preparation of your non-financial reports:

  • assistance in the preparation of the CSRD based on the standards published by the EFRAG (ESRS):
    • transition from DPEF (NFRD) to CSRD
    • mapping of ESG risks and opportunities
    • double materiality assessment
  • preparation of non-financial information reports, definition of indicators and preparation of the sustainability report (CSRD)
  • development of ESG information reporting processes
  • taxonomy: determination of eligible activities, alignment analysis
  • regulatory monitoring, sector analysis and sustainability reporting training for your teams
  • audit of non-financial information.

We use a pragmatic approach and adapt to your challenges and needs whatever your size. As an expert in the financial field, Advolis Orfis is able to assist you in the effective communication of both your non-financial and financial information.

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Advolis Orfis processes your personal data in order to respond to your information request. To know more about how we handle your data and your rights, please read our Privacy policy.

The “PACTE” law of 2019 voted by the French parliament established the concept of a “company with a stated mission”, allowing companies to commit to social and environmental objectives in their articles of incorporation.

To guarantee the reality of this commitment, the law imposes controls by an Independent Third-party Organization (OTI), which assesses the adequacy of the company’s actions with respect to its stated mission, thus ensuring transparency and credibility.

As an Independent Third-party Organization, Advolis Orfis can perform the verification of your company’s status with respect to this new law, by carrying out the following verification process:

  • Understanding your stated mission model in order to ensure the operational application of your statutory commitments in your businesses;
  • Review of the resources you have allocated to your mission (governance put in place, actions taken, financial and non-financial resources associated with your commitments, etc.);
  • Verification of the fulfilment of your objectives through discussions with your Mission Committee and possibly with your stakeholders, and the implementation of accuracy tests on the information communicated by your company;
  • Issuance of a reasoned opinion evaluating compliance with your stated objectives. This opinion builds on the conclusions of the previous stages.

The control methods are detailed in our program for verifying the execution of the objectives of the company in version 2 (available on request).

Please note that any verification work is subject to prior acceptance, in compliance with the commitments of independence and impartiality made by the management and all members of the verification team (commitment pledge available on request ).

In addition, we have a procedure for handling communications and complaints, likewise available on request.

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Advolis Orfis processes your personal data in order to respond to your information request. To know more about how we handle your data and your rights, please read our Privacy policy.

Because preserving the planet is the responsibility of all of us, the circular economy contributes to reducing waste at source and managing the product life-cycle.

We have been working for almost 10 years in the field of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), with marketers and eco-organizations.

Our experts perform consulting, assistance or verification work, drawing on their skills in internal control, financial management and information systems.

Benefiting from a thorough knowledge of regulatory obligations and ESG issues, they work on the following main themes:

  • optimization and security of the declaratory process of marketing by members of eco-organizations
  • regulatory control of marketing declarations made to eco-organizations within the framework of extended producer responsibility (EPR sectors)
  • assistance to eco-organizations for the allocation of costs and compliance with their obligations by sector, as well as for the operational and financial monitoring of downstream service providers and outlets.

Advolis is accredited by COFRAC Inspection (accreditation n°3-1675 – scope available on for area 12.7.2 relating to verifications carried out within the framework of the obligations of the approval specifications for eco-organizations in the Extended Producer Responsibility categories.Any verification work is subject to prior acceptance, in compliance with the commitments of independence and impartiality made by management and all members of the verification team. We also have a complaints procedure, also available on request.

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Advolis Orfis processes your personal data in order to respond to your information request. To know more about how we handle your data and your rights, please read our Privacy policy.

Finance plays a key role in the transition to a decarbonized and resilient economy through the orientation of capital towards sustainable projects. Compliance with environmental or social criteria now directly impacts the performance of companies and their access to financing.

Green or social bonds, sustainable financing, microcredits and many other sustainable financing tools are now used and offered to allow companies to comply with regulatory developments but also and above all to meet the new expectations of stakeholders.

Involved in professional bodies, our experts actively participate in the evolution of practices and in turn share their experience in the following areas:

  • assistance in redirecting your capital flows towards sustainable projects:
    • review with your financial, legal and ESG teams sustainable financing proposals and identify the main impacts of each projet
    • assistance in ensuring compliance with sustainability indicators provided for in sustainable financing agreements
  • periodic verification of the conformity of the allocation of funds raised for sustainable projects, and of compliance with sustainability criteria set as conditions for financing
  • regulatory or sectoral monitoring related to sustainable financing and training of your teams (finance, ESG, legal, etc.)

In a constantly changing environment, our experts support you and help you stay on course. Whether as advisors or external auditors, we work with pragmatism and adapt our approach to your challenges.

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Advolis Orfis processes your personal data in order to respond to your information request. To know more about how we handle your data and your rights, please read our Privacy policy.

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