We specialize in the preparation of financial reporting for listed and unlisted groups.

Our teams combine recognized expertise in consolidation processes and tools (BFC/HFM) and strong knowledge of key accounting frameworks (IFRS, CRC 99-02) and their implementation. We ensure we have a thorough understanding of your financial reporting development needs and issues. Our approach is adapted to your context and your organization. A close working relationship and a focus on responsiveness underpin our expertise. We establish an efficient and pragmatic partnership with our clients to guide them through the reporting process:

  1. Outsourcing: We work closely with your teams to prepare your group’s consolidated accounts, from consolidation declarations to the preparation of the consolidated annex. We also make suggestions for improvement with a forward-looking approach. We establish a close working relationship with your teams. Our experts are trained in the particularities of your group and changes in standards. Outsourcing is ideal for small and medium companies, whether they are listed or unlisted. It is the ideal solution for ensuring sustainable and secure consolidation processes, as well as reliable financial reporting.
  2. Advising groups: In a demanding business environment with increasingly complex transactions and short lead times, compliance with standards is an additional concern.
    Our team will assist you with:
    • transactions for external growth in order to assess the value of assets and debts,
    • restructuring or disposal with operational implementation of IFRS 5 which provides for the estimation of divestiture results,
    • impairment tests and valuation of financial instruments working with our valuation experts,
    • valuation of severance obligations,
    • accounting for complex financing transactions etc.

In order to reinforce your teams during peaks of activity or for specific transactions, we provide you with profiles tailored to your needs who integrate quickly into your business.

Our customized training services is adapted to your business needs, whether you wish to train your teams, your managers and/or your board members.

  1. Financial reporting: providing account users with relevant and reliable financial data is a major challenge for finance departments faced with complex and constantly changing accounting frameworks. With practical experience in consolidated account preparation, our teams assist you with all your financial reporting projects:
    • revision of consolidated annexes,
    • preparation of the universal registration document, and other required documentation,
    • impact analysis when applying new standards for the first time,
    • implementation of new standards such as IFRS 9, IFRS 15, and IFRS 16,
    • accounting consultation and preparation of technical notes.
  2. Information systems: the consolidation tool is central to the consolidation process. An optimized, effective and efficient tool gives staff more time for analysis. Our team has expertise and experience in the market leading tools used for consolidation: HFM and BFC. We assist our clients when they decide to change their reporting system:
    • needs analysis and preparation of specifications,
    • guidance for choosing a consolidation tool,
    • preparation of detailed plans for configuration,
    • preparation and assistance for the test phase,
    • assistance with historical data recovery.

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Advolis Orfis offers its customers financial management and human resources outsourcing services, allowing them to focus on their core business while ensuring that these essential functions are managed professionally and efficiently.

Whether it’s to make up for a temporary absence, pending recruitment or to support you over the long term with our expertise, outsourcing these functions offers a wide range of advantages:

  • cost control: the amount of our fees and the perimeter of our intervention are defined in advance.
  • professional expertise: you benefit from the expertise of qualified professionals in the fields of finance and human resources.
  • rime savings: you have more time to concentrate on growing your business.
  • reduced risk: you minimise legal and financial risks thanks to our expertise.

We provide you with a dedicated team to oversee and manage all your financial operations. This includes cash management, budgeting and reporting, as well as monitoring the production of annual accounts and compliance with your company’s tax obligations. In addition, we ensure that your organisation is optimised, in particular by helping youdigitalise your company’s finance function.

Our human resources experts take care of all the work involved in personnel management, from recruitment to contract management, from training to performance management. So you can focus on your core business, while being confident that your human resources are being managed professionally and in line with current legislation.

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Advolis Orfis processes your personal data in order to respond to your information request. To know more about how we handle your data and your rights, please read our Privacy policy.

When dealing with restructuring, our aim is to produce reliable financial data despite an often uncertain context, in order to assist our clients as they go through periods of underperformance or other difficulties such as amicable settlement procedures or collective proceedings.

Decision-makers may be exposed to extreme and complex challenges whereby they are forced to make difficult and disruptive decisions, outside of the situations they encounter during the normal course of business.

Such decisions require rapid action. We are able to provide hybrid solutions combining multiple skills from a range of fields including financial, legal, and organizational that address the particularities of the situation, be it contentious or amicable. Our multidisciplinary teams cover a wide range of the required expertise. Not to mention extensive experience with a vast range of situations that equips us for assignments such as:

  • assisting in the development and implementation of restructuring plans in amicable or contentious contexts through the establishment or review of monthly cash flow forecasts used by our clients as a tool for decision making,
  • guidance for preventive approaches (ad-hoc mandate, safeguard) or preparation of insolvency proceedings with the preparation and analysis of numbers to reflect the situation, a forecast of financing requirements, and the impact of alternative scenarios such as carve-out, restructuring, and divestiture,
  • support during periods of disruption or crisis from professionals with expertise adapted to the situation and issues, and with sufficient experience to know when to choose between urgency and the need for accurate financial reporting.

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Advolis Orfis processes your personal data in order to respond to your information request. To know more about how we handle your data and your rights, please read our Privacy policy.

Operational efficiency is a key performance driver when competition is increasingly fierce and business cycles are increasingly short.

It relies on processes being aligned with the organization’s strategy and it requires the construction of reliable indicators in order to facilitate decision-making and progress measurement.

Working with you, we aim for a permanent improvement of your organization’s performance. We focus on controlling quality, costs, and lead times – the three key elements of operational and financial performance:

  • evaluation and optimization of the organization, its processes (BPR, Lean, etc.) and its management systems,
  • implementation, assessment and certification of CSR indicators,
  • definition of the management model, development of internal accounting and performance measurement systems,
  • reducing lead times and harnessing the available technology,
  • improving budgeting processes, reporting, and dashboards,
  • audits of production costs for goods and services, assessment of standard and transfer costs.

Our approach benefits from a multidisciplinary expertise in management cycles, business and support processes, new technologies, project management, and more. Our teams apply a structured methodology with expertise in financial processes, information technology, and risk management.

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Advolis Orfis processes your personal data in order to respond to your information request. To know more about how we handle your data and your rights, please read our Privacy policy.

Compliance and risk management are crucial issues for businesses. We provide support for operational, financial, and regulatory risk management. Our service is underpinned by our knowledge of business and technology, associated with a methodology based on the best existing frameworks such as COSO and COBIT, and the total engagement of our multidisciplinary teams including our partners who take an active role in client assignments.

Risk management is a daily challenge for companies and contributes to the creation of value in the context of a successful strategy. We can provide ad hoc or continued assistance to assess and improve your risk management systems and processes:

  • development or update of your risk map,
  • audit and strengthening of your governance and/or your internal audit and control functions,
  • evaluation and improvement of the reliability of your internal audit systems including financial and operational processes, procedures and information systems,
  • design and deployment of solutions to secure and optimize your operations.

Compliance: with increasing regulatory oversight, controls and sanctions, transparency is essential to maintain a relationship of trust with third parties, business partners and investors. Regulatory oversight can represent an asset for your organization, in terms of image and performance: 

  • evaluation of existing measures including GDPR, SAPIN 2, reliable audit trail (French PAF), Sarbanes-Oxley Act, CSR and market concentration,
  • governance and organization of compliance,
  • development and implementation of compliance measures including procedures, controls, training, and regulatory monitoring,
  • assistance with crisis management and external audits.

We are committed to offering you a customized and practicable solution tailored to your needs, regardless of the size of your business.

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Advolis Orfis processes your personal data in order to respond to your information request. To know more about how we handle your data and your rights, please read our Privacy policy.

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